A child care provider interacts with three children in a CARE home. Photo courtesy Kathy Jacque.

Care Access Real Estate

A Real Estate Investment Trust

Why we invest in real estate for early care & education

Investing in Real Estate to Increase Quality Child Care

In almost every community in the country, there is less supply than demand for child care. Yet even quality providers with long waitlists rarely have the resources they need to expand in order to meet the need. With the pandemic forcing many providers out of business, increasing availability of child care is critical to get families back to work.

Care Access Real Estate® (CARE) is a real estate investment trust (REIT) that expands the availability of quality child care. A diversified portfolio of commercial and residential properties, CARE is designed to unlock the full potential and aspirations of center- and home-based providers.

Investing in homes as child care infrastructure

Child Care Next Door

Over 91,000 licensed family child care homes in America cared for almost 800,000 children in 2019, making home-based child care an essential feature of our nation’s child care infrastructure.

With support from the National Children’s Facilities Network and United Domestic Workers Child Care Providers United, Mission Driven Finance produced a short video highlighting the importance of investing in homeownership as a way for home child care providers to thrive.

While this video highlights family child care providers, CARE also intends to include center-based providers.

Bringing financial resources and expertise

Our child care homes and facilities are operated by in-demand, experienced providers identified and supported by on-the-ground community partners. CARE emphasizes those that include families under 100% of the area median income and those located in communities with insufficient child care supply.

CARE is a child care facilities investment vehicle designed to achieve three impacts:

  • Expand the supply of quality child care, especially for overlooked and under-resourced families and communities
  • Increase the resilience of child care businesses by providing stable leases as a child care friendly landlord
  • Build the wealth of child care providers by creating opportunities to expand their business and own their facility
The primary child care area in a CARE home. Photo courtesy of Kathy Jacque.

Channeling massive, risk-mitigated capital from investors to expand the availability of quality child care

The investment trust’s core intention is to build inclusive and equitable community economic systems. Many traditional real estate investment structures are extractive—where the wealth generated leaves the community that generated it in the first place.

CARE will do the opposite. It will build wealth and infrastructure inside communities that will govern the investments.

CARE Investment Trust flow chart


Meet the child care providers

Here are some of the providers who have moved into their CARE homes.*

*The information included in this section was accurate as of the time of posting to the best of our knowledge. Provider stories and images came from the respective child care providers. This page includes a sample of the portfolio holdings that Mission Driven Finance funds invested in. A full list of portfolio companies is available upon request using the contact page or emailing the firm at info@missiondrivenfinance.com. Past performance does not guarantee future results. Different types of investments involve varying degrees of risk and there can be no assurance that the future performance of any specific investment or investment strategy will be profitable. Changes in investment strategies, contributions or withdrawals, and economic and market conditions may materially alter the performance of investments. All investments involve the risk of loss, including the possible loss of all amounts invested. Being listed on the website and the order of being listed is no reflection on the profitability of the investment.

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