A colorful wall mural depicting a woman with a hand cupping her face

MDF Capital Partners

Capital for emerging impact fund managers

Empowering emerging fund managers and project sponsors

As an emerging impact fund manager, access to capital can be one of the biggest barriers to success, especially if you come from humble roots. MDF Capital Partners is here to change that. We provide critical financing tools such as warehousing, co-investment, and subscription lines that you need to launch and grow your fund, helping you succeed faster and with fewer obstacles.

Why partner with MDF Capital Partners?

  • Access to flexible capital: Whether it’s bridge financing, warehousing, co-investment, or subscription lines, we provide the right kind of capital at the right time to help you thrive.
  • Tailored to your needs: MDF Capital Partners is designed for first- and second-time fund managers, with a deep understanding of the unique challenges you face.
  • Support beyond funding: We understand emerging managers after working with dozens and can offer strategic insights beyond the check.
Text graphic that says "supporting impact fund managers"

What you can expect

Loans for:

  • Fund manager or project sponsor
  • Located in the United States
  • For-profit entities and nonprofits eligible

Size and terms tailored to support you

  • $100,000–$1 million
  • Up to 11.5% interest rate + closing fee
  • 3–60 month terms
  • $250 application fee to start underwriting

Customized structures available

  • No credit score required
  • No personal guarantees
  • No prepayment penalty
  • UCC-1 blanket lien on business assets
  • Revenue-based financing available
  • Option for Islamic financing

*Effective September 30, 2024 and is subject to change

Who we are supporting

Fund managers

  • Primary focus on first and/or second-time managers with emphasis on those deploying products with community impact
  • Managers across asset classes (venture, private credit, housing)

Project sponsors

  • Leaders / sponsors of community-focused projects who struggle to raise capital from traditional sources
  • Focus on real-estate and infrastructure projects led by project sponsors of color
Robin Zeigler and Vanessa Rodriguez of MURAL Real Estate Partners

Meet MURAL Real Estate Partners

Founded in 2022 by CEO Robin Zeigler, New York-based MURAL Real Estate Partners is a full-service real estate company that focuses on mixed-use revitalization in underinvested markets. Short for Mixed Use Revitalization Approached Locally, MURAL aims to create neighborhoods—by emphasizing community-focused development and incorporating public art and placemaking strategies—fostering a high quality of life across income levels.

“Our goal is to focus on addressing supply-demand imbalance in quality retail and affordable housing in target communities,” Robin said.

MURAL is certified in the State of New York as a minority- and women-owned business enterprise (WMBE), featuring a diverse team of majority-female leaders.

A platform for underestimated managers

Mission Driven Finance has been supporting emerging impact managers for more than five years and found they typically experience one or more of these capital gaps that we seek to address with this fund:

Proof gaps

  • New managers without a track record
  • Innovative strategies that don’t look normal
  • No investors want to be first

Size gaps

  • Investor check sizes don’t match current portfolio size (too big or too small)
  • Ideal deal sizes are too big for portfolio construction limits

Timing gaps

  • Investor due diligence and closing timelines don’t match deal opportunities
  • Operating capacity for managers ahead of fund fees

Your fund, your voice

We are committed to supporting fund managers from historically overlooked communities, including people of color and women. With our participatory governance model, your voice will be central in shaping how our capital flows, ensuring the funds align with your vision and impact goals.


If this sounds like you or someone you know, reach out to us!

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