Recognizing that natural fiber and dye crops can and should play a key role in vibrant, economically viable regenerative agriculture, SAFSF and Fibershed joined forces in 2022 to develop a solution to support smaller U.S. natural fiber and textile producers and processors with a specific focus on environmental equity. In May, SAFSF and Fibershed announced the launch of the Integrated Capital Fibers Fund with Mission Driven Finance.
The Fibers Fund builds on insights from the SAFSF Fibers Roadmap research and Fibershed’s Regional Fiber Manufacturing Initiative to overcome key barriers for the sector to scale. The Fund is one of several levers in a new phase of work on fibers for SAFSF that integrates innovative financing, business technical assistance, and public policy solutions to support structural reform.
Watch the recording to learn more about:
- Why natural fibers are a promising entry point for environmental equity
- How this approach combines supportive financing with wraparound business technical assistance, grants, and the Black Fiber Cohort
- SAFSF’s Farm Bill platform on fibers, the Farm Bill process, and recent conversations with House and Senate Ag Committee members