San Diego Hunger Coalition

What they do & why we invested
For nearly 50 years, the San Diego Hunger Coalition has led coordinated action to end hunger in San Diego County supported by research, education, and advocacy. The Coalition leads coordinated action to build a more effective and interconnected system of food assistance resources, enable low-income individuals and families to purchase more healthy food by increasing participation in CalFresh, ensure all children have year-round access to healthy food by expanding school meals and other federal child nutrition programs, and advocate for legislative and administrative policies that reduce hunger.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, the organization had to ramp up efforts to meet the needs of the community. However, during 2020, SDHC had seen a decrease in donations and grants which severely impacted their financial position.
The COVID-19 nonprofit loan program helped SDHC continue their operations. SDHC used the funds to cover general expenses such as payroll, rent, and utility bills. This will also help them continue their efforts to end hunger across San Diego County and keep all employees on the payroll as they look for ways to increase donations.
Impact Segment
COVID-19 economic recovery
Impact Vehicles
San Diego County COVID-19 Small Business & Nonprofit Loan Program (nonprofit loan pool)
Dates of Investments
January 2022
Impact Geography
San Diego County